High Standard of personal hygiene is essential to prevent cross contamination of food and food poisoning. It is important that staff maintain a high degree of personal hygiene with regard their personal habits. For example:
no smoking in food areas
no coughing, sneezing, spitting over food
no strong smelling perfumes should be worn when handling foods
no nail varnish should be worn when handling food
no jewellery other than a plain wedding band
All cuts, wounds or sores should be covered with a waterproof dressing.
Over-clothing should be clean and present no risk of contamination to food.
Hair should be tidy and covered where necessary to prevent the risk of it falling into food.
Staff should report to their supervisor if they have had symptoms of diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps or fever. These may be indications that they have or have had food poisoning. They should also inform their supervisor if they have infected cuts or wounds, boils or sores that may lead to the contamination of foods.
To prevent cross contamination of food it is essential to wash your hands frequently.
Examples include:
before starting work
before handling food
between handling raw and ready to eat foods
after going to the toilet
after handling raw foods
after handling waste
after eating, drinking or smoking, coughing, sneezing or touching your face
after taking a break
after handling chemicals
after handling money
How to wash your hands
Use warm water and preferably antibacterial soap.
After wetting hands, apply soap and use the following procedure to clean your hands thoroughly:
rub palm to palm
rub backs of both hands
rub palm to palm with fingers
rub backs of fingers (interlocked)
rub all parts of both hands
rub both palms with fingertips
rinse hands under running water and dry thoroughly on clean towel
use a disposable paper towel to turn off the tap